Big Apple Pengkalan (Main Branch)
Founded in 1993, Big Apple is a well-known operated preschool in Perak with a mission to inspire and nurture the young minds. We provide nursery & kindergarten for 18 months to 6 years old children. We provide a quality and holistic education that support the children’s intellectual, language, social, emotional and developing their unique talents and skills. The lessons are conducted by experienced team of teachers, ensuring a fun, convenient and safe environment that makes learning a pleasure.
Core Subjects and Programmes
Instead of having the core subjects such as Bahasa Melayu, English, Mandarin, Mathematics and Science, the children are able to learn the additional subjects such as S.T.E.A.M, Cambridge English, Art Class, Beyond the Mandarin and Ukulele Class. Big Apple programmes are designed to develop good character traits within our children, preparing a solid foundation for the 21st Century children.
To ensure the children to excel in academics, children were prep with the strong foundation as early as 2 to 3 years old. Train your skill is an activity for the toddlers to enhance their motor skills in an early age. It takes the brain and the body’s muscles to correspond in order to develop, connect and build with the other parts of your child’s growth. Motor skills help to expose the children to new experiences and enhance curiosity to learn more.
Listening English programme is a new programme for 4 years old children to build a foundation for Cambridge English in an early age. Apart from that, Little Speaker programme is designed to encourage the children to talk in public and boost the children’s self-esteem to face the peer.
In order to cope with the fast-paced education in the new era, Wonder Newton is a suitable programme for 5- and 6-years old children to learn more about Science by implementing S.T.E.A.M. elements.
S.T.E.A.M. is an education which integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics as the main components. These programmes will help the children to think critically and develop the problem-solving skills through curiosity in learning science.
Ongoing Curriculum Research and Development
We design our own syllabus and books following the National Preschool Curriculum Standard set by The Ministry of Education Malaysia. The books were prepared and designed by a professional and experienced team of teachers. The syllabus is complete with a set of facilities for the students to learn beyond the classroom.
Facilities such as library, little kitchen, e-learning, art studio, water play, music room, science lab and gym room are specially designed to offer excellent learning provisions for children in a warm nurturing environment.
Online Learning
Gurupanda is an online learning platform with animated videos and quizzes was established in 2019 to deliver additional supplementary e-learning and reference materials. Smart boards are also available for learning convenience.
Stories, riddles, music and colourful notes are provided for the children. This platform provides an opportunity for the kids to learn anywhere at anytime under parents’ supervision.
International Explorer
Our students participate in workshops and camps from countries such as UK, US, Korea, HK, etc for international exposure.
Operating hours
Monday 8.30 A.M – 5.30 P.M
Tuesday 8.30 A.M – 5.30 P.M
Wednesday 8.30 A.M – 5.30 P.M
Thursday 8.30 A.M – 5.30 P.M
Friday 8.30 A.M – 5.30 P.M
Saturday 8.30 A.M – 5.30 P.M
Sunday Closed
很棒! 老师很细心,孩子学到很多。从懵懵懂懂到头头是道。 推荐